Tuesday, March 25

Its 10 O'Clock. Do you know where your pants are at?

True Story. But Never happened to me. Or anyone I know. Might happen one day. -shrugs-

Ever wake up on those cold lonely mornings snuggly wrapped in a blanket not wanting to move a muscle? Laying there eyes barely open and moaning or groaning when you realize that you do have to wake up. Then as you slowly pull off the sheets you feel the cold breathe of death slowly chill you to the bones.

You shake it off and head to the bathroom, whip it out or sit down, whichever you prefer, then release natures fury into the tiny white bowl that only wanted to become an accountant but instead was stuck with that shit job. You may or may not flush the urine or fecal matter, but you know you need a shower to really wake you up.

So you head into the shower, clothes on or off, again preferences, and begin your mental training. You may do yoga or martial arts to prepare your body for the torrent of hot or cold water that is about to touch your skin. Well again you may or may not, personally I just turn on the son of a bitch and start singing the Immigration Song. Anyways you're done showering and slowly walk around your house and you realize, this isn't my house. Where the fuck am I?

Then you see an old man and woman having pancakes in the dining room/kitchen. They stare at you as they're feeding each other bits and pieces of pancakes covered in blueberry syrup with little pieces of strawberry and banana here and there. You think to yourself "what happened last night and why is my butt suddenly sore." They ask who you are. You respond 'dunno' then they notice that you're wearing one of their robes. Then they look at each other and one responds "See! This is why I said we should stop doing X. It fucks us up!" Or your weapon of choice. Then you sit down, smile, and ask "Anymore pancakes for me?" You open your mouth wide while they feed you a fork full of love. And Pesticides.

Little side note. Dipping your Testicles in Pesticide would make them Pesticles. or Testicides. Pestes? Just... never do it no matter how interesting it seems.