Tuesday, January 8

The Memory Remains

You win some you lose some.

Sadly I can't remember all of last night's dream. I had a killer headache and lay down to rest. For the past couple of days I've woken up to the sensation of someone sifting their hands through my hair.

There was a beautiful girl humming a tune. She kept her eyes close and her long black hair gently swayed, unrestricted by gravity, as an image of an universe shined in her hair. Sometimes her hair would create miniature hands as they fell on my head. She would sing a beautiful song filled with a calming sorrow. It sent shivers down my spine that would spike back up. I think I started to hum along too. If only I could remember the word's she sang. Probably just subconsciously threw in a tune from the radio or something, though would've been nice to know if it was genuine.

Its been both nice and disappointing. Though it would've been interesting to have some mysterious beauty to have done that while i slept and disappear under the dark veil of night. Chances are it could've been cockroaches or the migraine. Probably cockroaches.

The heart beats in its cage.

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